Wednesday 8 December 2010

Snow pony!!

I have been struggling with guilt during the cold weather. Jason lives out in the field 24/7. I had planned to convert our woodshed/outbuilding into a stable for him before the winter set in, but father-n-law has put the dampers on that idea. Unfortunately, we don't see eye to eye and as the farm belongs to the out-laws, I have to toe the line.

So, plan B came into effect. Make sure Jason is as warm and dry all the time as much as possible.

When we had our 'large' snowfall last week, I was dreading putting my hand inside Jason's rug to check he was warm. To my surprise, he was/is lovely and toasty!!

Jason is now wearing a thick stable rug (similar to a 20 togg duvet) and a heavy weight turnout rug with a neck attached. He is eating half a bale of hay a day, along with 4 times the amount of hard feed my thorough bred horse is eating!! His breeding also goes a long way towards him being used to the harsh weather. Welsh ponies are used to living out on the Welsh mountains with no rugs or hard feed!!

Horses and ponies who live out, do pretty well in the cold frosty/snowy days. It's the driving rain and winds which could cause a problem if the animal is not kept warm, dry and well fed. So, I really shouldn't feel guilty. Jason is warm, well fed, happy and cheeky!!

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