Thursday 21 October 2010


Just a quick update, to let you know I haven't forgotten you!! Jason is doing very well. He is piling on the weight and looking less like a hat stand and more like a pony - all be it a skinny pony!!

I have discovered Jason has quite bad sweet itch, which is an allergy to a type of midge, causing him to scratch his mane and tail. I am a little concerned by this, as he is 'itchy' at the moment whilst it is cold, so I am doing research into what I can do come summertime. There are a lot of different products on the market, some to go in his feed, others for topical application. I'll keep you posted with what I find!

I have increased Jason's feed a little now the weather has turned chilly, so his energy goes into building body condition, not just keeping warm.

So, on the whole, Jason is doing fine!

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