Thursday 21 October 2010


Just a quick update, to let you know I haven't forgotten you!! Jason is doing very well. He is piling on the weight and looking less like a hat stand and more like a pony - all be it a skinny pony!!

I have discovered Jason has quite bad sweet itch, which is an allergy to a type of midge, causing him to scratch his mane and tail. I am a little concerned by this, as he is 'itchy' at the moment whilst it is cold, so I am doing research into what I can do come summertime. There are a lot of different products on the market, some to go in his feed, others for topical application. I'll keep you posted with what I find!

I have increased Jason's feed a little now the weather has turned chilly, so his energy goes into building body condition, not just keeping warm.

So, on the whole, Jason is doing fine!

Thursday 7 October 2010

A lovely sunny day!

It such a fabulous sunny day today that I have decided Jason would really benefit from feeling the sun on his back.

I can't get over how well he looks in such a short time! There is obviously a very long way to go yet, but we are well on the way.

His coat is lovely and shiny and he has a little tubby belly!

I left him resting a back foot, eyes half closed, sun bathing!

A lovely sunny day.

The coral.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Pony pals.

Up until yesterday, Jason was in the field with just one other pony - the other 2 had a portion of the field fenced off. Yesterday, the fence was taken down and now all 4 ponies are now grazing happily together.

To enable Jason to have his feeds without the others trying to get their share, I have spent a while (in the pouring rain) this morning making a coral next to the gate, so Jason can have his feed in peace. It will also be handy if any of the ponies need any attention, with out the others trying to get in on the act!!

So, my plan is, on the way to school in the morning, put Jason in the 'coral' with his feed and on the way home, let him back into the main field - Simple!! (Hopefully....)

Friday 1 October 2010

Snuggly rug!

It may be raining and blowing a hoolie, but Jason's warm and dry in his lovely rug.

We're going on a rug hunt!!

Jason came to us with a 'wardrobe'! Unfortunately, the turnout rugs he came with were not so much rug, but more hole! I suppose you could even call them 'laced'!

As we live on the cliff top, Jason needs rugs which will keep him warm and dry, otherwise he will loose more weight and condition, as the energy he gains from his diet will be used by him to keep him warm rather than to lay down fat.

I have had a 'wanted' advert on the New Forest Equine Directory website for a 2nd hand 'combo' heavyweight turnout rug. The 'combo' means that the rug has a full neck - kind of like a hood, which will not only keep his neck warm and dry, but will also stop the wind and rain being blown down his rug onto his chest! Rugs come in light, medium and heavyweight, this is the grading/weight of the filling of the rug. Like the togg value on duvets.

A lovely lady in Burley contacted me with a rug which fits the bill (& Jason!) perfectly! It has also just been cleaned and re-proofed, so it will keep Jason nice and dry.

I have also just splashed out and ordered a brand new extra heavy weight turnout rug in preparation for the real winter!!

Now all I have to do is to rig up lines in my tack/feed room, where I can hang the wet rugs and put an old oil filled radiator in there to get the soggy rugs ready for the horses to wear again. Oh the joys of winter!!